梁恩维,广西大学教授,博士生导师。广西相对论重点实验室负责人、现任广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院院长、广西物理学会理事长、广西高校物理本科教学指导委员会主任委员。1986年从钦州县师范学校中师毕业,1990年广西师范大学物理学专业本科毕业,1993年广西大学硕士毕业留校任教,2002年云南天文台博士毕业,随后到南京大学(2003-2004年)、美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(2004-2007年)做博士后,2008年回校创建天文学科。主要开展时域天体物理、粒子天体物理及其相关测探技术研究,已主持国家级重大重点项目4项,在Nature、Science、The Astrophysical Journal Letters、Physical Review D等学术期刊杂志发表SCI论文250余篇,被引用8000余篇次,单篇被引100篇次以上共20篇,其中单篇被引最高255篇次,H因子为47获教育部高校优秀成果(自然科学)一等奖、广西自然科学奖一等奖和云南省自然科学奖一等奖各1项。
(1)国家自然科学基金, 重点项目, 12133003, 基于多信使多波段观测的伽马暴中心引擎和千新星能源机制研究, 2022-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 310万元, 在研, 主持;
(1) 国家自然科学基金, 天文联合基金项目重点项目, U1731239, 空间高能宇宙线穿越辐射探测器研究, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 250万元,结题,参与;
(3)国家杰出青年科学基金, 伽玛射线暴物理和宇宙学,11025313,2011-2014年,主持,结题
(5) 国家自然科学基金, 应急管理项目(重点项目类),基于DAMPE数据的宇宙线高能光子研究,11851304, 2018-04-01 至 2020-12-31,295万元,主持,结题;
(6) 科技部973计划,多波段观测与理论研究,2014CB845804, 2014-01 至 2018-12, 465万元, 主持,结题;
(7)广西创新驱动发展专项, 暂现源的多波段观测和理论研究, 2017AD22006, 2017-01 至 2021-12, 1400万元,结题,主持;
(9)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,10873002,伽玛暴和余辉多波段观测及其对理论模型的限制,2009-2011年,40万,主持,结题。
(1)伽玛射线暴及其余辉的辐射成份和物理起源, 广西壮族自治区人民政府,广西科技进步自然科学奖一等奖, 2016,完成人:梁恩维; 陆睿静; 张冰; 吕候军; 辛立平; 魏建彦
(2)伽玛射线暴和相关天体物理问题的研究, 教育部, 高校优秀成果(自然科学)一等奖, 2011,完成人:戴子高; 梁恩维; 黄永锋; 王祥玉
(3)活动星系核和伽玛暴观测理论研究, 云南省人民政府, 云南省科技进步自然科学一等奖, 2006,完成人:谢光中; 白金明; 周曙白; 梁恩维; 马力; 覃一平; 李开华; 陈洛恩; 刘红涛
李 亮:2009级,硕士毕业到瑞典皇家理工学院读博,现在意大利做博士后
秦 颖:2010级,硕士毕业到瑞士日内瓦大学攻读博士学位,现任安徽师范大学副教授
吕 芬:2011级(与紫台吴雪峰联培),硕士毕业到紫金山天文台攻读博士学位,现在上海科技馆博士后(入选上海超级博士后计划)
杜 双:2013级,硕士毕业到中山大学攻读博士,现在北京大学做博士后研究
谢 浪:2016级(与王祥高联培),硕士毕业到紫金山天文台攻读博士学位,在读博士
孙 鑫:2019级(与伍歆联培),硕士毕业到中山大学读博
邹 乐:2016级硕士生,2019级博士生、硕博连读
王 宇:2018级硕士生,2021级博士生、硕博连读,与伍歆联培
顾 莹:2019级硕士生,2021级博士生、硕博连读,与张晋联培
蒙 宇:2019级硕士生,2022级博士生、硕博连续,与谢斐联培
李 丹:2019级博士生,与上海应用技术大学伍歆联培
郭 森:2020级博士生
刘 宽:2018级硕士生(林达斌指导),2022级博士生,与林达斌、谢斐联培
邓 伟:2020级硕士生,2022级博士生,与刘宏邦、谢斐联培
李 啸:2021年硕士生,与邓灿敏联培
1. Comparison of the characteristics of magnetars born in death of massive stars and merger of compact objects with swift gamma-ray burst data. MNRAS, 508,2505-2514; Le Zou , En-Wei Liang* , Shu-Qing Zhong, Xing Yang, Tian-Ci Zheng, Ji-Gui Cheng, Can-Min Deng , Hou-Jun Lü, Shan-Qin Wang
2. GRB 101225A as Orphan Dipole Radiation of a Newborn Magnetar with Precession Rotation in an Off-axis Gamma-ray Burst;The Astrophysical Journal Letters,921,L1. Le Zou, Tian-Ci Zheng, Xing Yang, Hai-ming Zhang, Xiao-Yan Li, Jia Ren, Da-Bin Lin, and En-Wei Liang*.
3. Gamma-Ray Emission Produced by r-process Elements from Neutron Star Mergers. The Astrophysical Journal; 919,59. MengHua Chen, LiXin Li, DaBin Lin, EnWei Liang*
4. Nearby SN-associated GRB 190829A: Environment, Jet Structure, and VHE Gamma-Ray Afterglows. The Astrophysical Journal; 917,95. LuLu Zhang, Jia Ren, XiaoLi Huang, YunFeng Liang, DaBin Lin, EnWei Liang*
5. Ehrenfest's scheme and microstructure for regular-AdS black hole in the extended phase space. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 38, Issue 12, id.125001, 13. Sen Guo, EnWei Liang*
6. Construction of a Second-order Six-dimensional Hamiltonian-conserving Scheme, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series,257,40, Hu, Shiyang; Wu, Xin*; Liang, Enwei
7. Machine-learning Interpretation of the Correlation between Infrared Emission Features of Interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. The Astrophysical Journal,922,101. Meng, Zhisen, Zhu, Xiaosi, Kovács, Péter, EnWei Liang, Zhao Wang*
8. Gas-phase formation of interstellar nucle obases from dehydrogenated formamide and vinyl cyanide. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 656,84; Lu, Shiru; Meng, Zhisen; Xie, Peng; EnWei Liang; Zhao Wang*
9. Effect of axion-like particles on the spectrum of the extragalactic gamma-ray background. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11,030; Liang, Yun-Feng*; Zhang, Xing-Fu; Cheng, Ji-Gui; Zeng, Hou-Dun ;Fan, Yi-Zhong ; Liang, En-Wei.
10. Constraints on Optical Emission of FAST-detected FRB 20181130B with GWAC Synchronized Observations. The Astrophysical Journal, 922,78. Xin, L. P. ; Li, H. L. ; Wang, J. ; Han, X. H. ; Qiu, Y. L. ; Cai, H. B. ; Niu, C. H. ; Lu, X. M. ; Liang, E. W. ; Dai, Z. G. ;
Wang, X. G. ; Wang, X. Y. ; Huang, L. ; Wu, C. ; Li, G. W. ; Feng, Q. C. ; Deng, J. S. ; Sun, S. S. ; Yang, Y. G. ; Wei, J. Y.
11. Late Afterglow Bump/Plateau around the Jet Break: Signature of a Free-to-shocked Wind Environment in Gamma-Ray Burst. The Astrophysical Journal, 922,22; Li,Xiao-Yan ; Lin,Da-Bin *; Ren,Jia ; Hou,Shu-Jin ; Li, Yu-Fei ; Wang, Xiang-Gao ; Liang, En-Wei
12. Evidence for Gravitational Lensing of GRB 200716. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 921,L29, Yang, Xing ; Lü,Hou-Jun* ; Yuan,Hao-Yu ; Rice,Jared ; Zhang, Zhao ; Zhang, Bin-Bin ; Liang, En-Wei
13. Dynamics of Charged Particles Moving around Kerr Black Hole with Inductive Charge and External Magnetic Field. Universe, 7,410; Sun, Xin ; Wu, Xin* ; Wang, Yu ; Deng, Chen ; Liu, Baorong ; Liang, Enwei
14. Highly variable γ-ray emission of CTD 135 and implications for its compact symmetric structure. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 21,210; Gan, Ying-Ying ; Zhang, Hai-Ming ; Zhang, Jin *; Yang, Xing ; Yi, Ting-Feng ; Liang, Yun-Feng ; Liang, En-Wei
15. Revisiting the analysis of axion-like particles with the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observation of NGC1275. Physics Letters B, 82136611, Cheng, Ji-Gui ; He, Ya-Jun ; Liang*, Yun-Feng ; Lu, Rui-Jing ; Liang, En-Wei
16. Discovery of the Ultrahigh-energy Gamma-Ray Source LHAASO J2108+5157. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 919,L22, Cao Zhen, et al….Liang En Wei ….(共268个作者)
17. Calibration of the air shower energy scale of the water and air Cherenkov techniques in the LHAASO experiment. Physical Review D, 104f2007, Aharonian et al. ….. Liang En Wei ….(共268个作者)
18. Extended phase-space symplectic-like integrators for coherent post-Newtonian Euler-Lagrange equations. Physical Review D,104d4055, Pan, Guifan ; Wu, Xin ; Liang, Enwei
19. Figure-eight orbits in three post-Newtonian formulations of triple black holes. Physical Review D,104d4039. Dan, Li; Wu, Xin ; Liang, Enwei
20. Performance of LHAASO-WCDA and observation of the Crab Nebula as a standard candle. Chinese Physics C,45h5002; Aharonian
et al. ….. Liang En Wei ….(共258个作者)
21. Discovery of a New Gamma-Ray Source, LHAASO J0341+5258, with Emission up to 200 TeV. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 917,L4, Cao Zhen, et al….Liang En Wei ….(共269个作者)
22. Detection of Flare-associated CME Candidates on Two M-dwarfs by GWAC and Fast, Time-resolved Spectroscopic Follow-ups. The Astrophysical Journal, 916,92; Wang, J*.; Xin, L. P.; Li, H. L. ; Li, G. W. ; Sun, S. S.; Gao, C. ; Han, X. H. ; Dai, Z. G. ; Liang, E. W. ; Wang, X. Y. ; Wei, J. Y.
23. Learning Transient Universe in Near-ultraviolet by Wide-angle Cameras, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 131, 095001,Wang, J.* ; Liang, E. W. ; Wei, J. Y.
24. A peculiarly short-duration gamma-ray burst from massive star core collapse. Nature Astronomy,5,911; Zhang, B. –B*. ; Liu, Z. -K. ; Peng, Z. -K. ; Li, Y. ; Lü, H. -J. ; Yang, J. ; Yang, Y. -S. ; Yang, Y. -H. ; Meng, Y. -Z. ; Zou, J. -H. ; Ye, H. -Y. ; Wang, X. -G. ; Mao, J. -R. ; Zhao, X. -H. ; Bai, J. -M. ; Castro-Tirado, A. J. ; Hu, Y. -D. ; Dai, Z. -G. ; Liang, E. -W. ; Zhang, B*.
25. Extended Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission Surrounding PSR J 0622 +3749 Observed by LHAASO-KM2A. Physical Review Letters, 126x1103, Aharonian et al. ….. Liang En Wei ….(共257个作者)
26. Ultrahigh-energy photons up to 1.4 petaelectronvolts from 12 γ-ray Galactic sources. Nature, 594,33; Lhaaso Collaboration, Cao Zhen, et al….Liang En Wei ….(共255个作者)
27. The Study of Dust Formation of Four Type Ibn Super novae. The Astrophysical Journal, 914,125, Gan, Wen-Pei ; Wang, Shan-Qin* ; Liang, En-Wei *
28. Detectability of "Merger-nova" Emission from a Long-lived Magnetar in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts. Astrophysical Journal, 912,14, Yuan, Yong ; Lü, Hou-Jun ; Yuan, Hao-Yu ; Ma, Shuai-Bing ; Lei, Wei-Hua ; Liang, En-Wei
29. The Changing look Blazar B2 1420+32,The Astrophysical Journal, 913,146, Mishra, Hora D. ; Dai, Xinyu ; Chen, Ping ; Cheng, Jigui ; Jayasinghe, T. ; Tucker, Michael A. ; Vallely, Patrick J. ; Bersier, David ; Bose, Subhash ; Do, Aaron ; Dong, Subo ; Holoien, Thomas W. -S. ; Huber, Mark E. ; Kochanek, Christopher S. ; Liang, Enwei ; Payne, Anna V. ; Prieto, Jose ; Shappee, Benjamin J. ; Stanek, K. Z. ; Bhatiani, Saloni Cox, John ; DeFrancesco,Cora ; Shen, Zhiqiang ; Thompson, Todd A. ; Wang, Junfeng
30. An Energy-conserving Integrator for Conservative Hamiltonian Systems with Ten-dimensional Phase Space. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 253,55. Hu, Shiyang ; Wu, Xin ; Liang, Enwei
31. Electron Spectrum for the Prompt Emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Synchrotron Radiation Scenario. The Astrophysical Journal, 911,13, Liu, Kuan ; Lin, Da-Bin* ; Li, Jing ; Li, Yu-Fei ; Lu, Rui-Jing ; Liang, En-Wei
32. The electromagnetic and gravitational-wave radiations of X-ray transient CDF-S XT2. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,21,47, Lü,Hou-Jun* ; Yuan, Yong ; Lan,Lin ; Zhang,Bin-Bin ; Zou,Jin-Hang ; Liang, En-Wei
33.Observation of the Crab Nebula with LHAASO-KM2A - a performance study. Chinese Physics C,45b5002 Aharonian et al. ….. Liang En Wei ….(共257个作者)
34. A ΔR ∼ 9.5 mag Superflare of an Ultracool Star Detected by the SVOM/GWAC System. The Astrophysical Journal, 909,106. Xin, L. P*. ; Li, H. L. ; Wang, J. ; Han, X. H. ; Xu, Y. ; Meng, X. M. ; Cai, H. B. ; Huang, L. ; Lu, X. M. ; Qiu, Y. L. ; Wang, X. G. ; Liang, E. W. ; Dai, Z. G. ; Wang, X. Y. ; Wu, C. ; Zhang, J. B. ; Li, G. W. ; Turpin, D. ; Feng, Q. C. ; Deng, J. S. Sun, S. S. ; Zheng, T. C. ; Yang, Y. G. ; Wei, J. Y.
35. Lorentz Invariance Violation Limits from the Spectral-lag Transition of GRB 190114C. The Astrophysical Journal,906,8. Du, Shen-Shi; Lan, Lin ; Wei, Jun-Jie ; Zhou, Zi-Min ; Gao, He; Jiang, Lu-Yao; Zhang, Bin-Bin; Liu, Zi-Ke; Wu, Xue-Feng ; Liang, En-Wei ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
36.Adjustment of Force–Gradient Operator in Symplectic Methods; Mathematics; 9:2718(21pp); Lina Zhang, Xin Wu* and Enwei Liang.
37. Effect of the Quadrupole–Monopole Interaction on Chaos in Compact Binaries; annalen der physik; 2019:1900136(10pp); Dan Li, Xin Wu* and Enwei Liang.
38. A Novel Energy-conserving Scheme for Eight-dimensional Hamiltonian Problems; The Astrophysical Journal; 887:191(11pp); Shiyang Hu, Xin Wu*, Guoqing Huang and Enwei Liang.
39. No pulsed radio emission during a bursting phase of a Galactic magnetar. Nature, 587,63. Lin Lin, et al….Liang En Wei ….(共45个作者)
40. Constraining the Jet Launching Time of GRB 170817A by Utilizing the Baryon Loading. The Astrophysical Journal Letters,901,L26,Ren,Jia; Lin,Da-Bin * ; Zhang,Lu-Lu ; Wang,Kai ; Li,Xiao-Yan ; Wang, Xiang-Gao ; Liang, En-Wei
41. Lsyn - Esyn, p - δ relation in active galactic nucleus jets and implication for the physical origin of the Lp - Ep,z - Γ0 relation of gamma-ray burst. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,20,141, Huang, Xiao-Li ; Liang, En-Wei*
42. On the gamma-ray signals from UCMH/mini-spike accompanying the DAMPE 1.4 TeV e+e- excess. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497,2486-2492. Cheng, Ji-Gui ; Li, Shang ; Gan, Ying-Ying ; Liang, Yun-Feng * ; Lu, Rui-Jing ; Liang, En-Wei
43. GRB 140423A: A Case of Stellar Wind to Interstellar Medium Transition in the Afterglow. The Astrophysical Journal,900,176.Li,Long ; Wang,Xiang-Gao* ; Zheng, WeiKang ; Pozanenko, Alexei S. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Qin,Songmei ; Wang,Shan-Qin ; Jiang,Lu-Yao ; Li, Jing ; Lin, Da-Bin ; Liang, En-Wei* ; Volnova, Alina A. ; Elenin,Leonid ; Klunko,Evgeny ; Inasaridze, Raguli Ya. ; Kusakin, Anatoly ; Lu, Rui-Jing
44. The use of Kepler solver in numerical integrations of quasi-Keplerian orbits. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496,2946-2961. Deng, Chen ; Wu, Xin* ; Liang, Enwei
45. Photospheric Emission in Gamma-Ray Bursts. I. Variability. The Astrophysical Journal,899,111. Wang, Kai ; Lin, Da-Bin* ; Wang, Yun ; Jiang, Lu-Yao ; Du, Shen-Shi ; Li,Xiao-Yan ; Ren,Jia ; Wang,Xiang-Gao ; Liang, En-Wei
46. Jet Properties of Compact Steep-spectrum Sources and an Eddington-ratio-driven Unification Scheme of Jet Radiation in Active Galactic Nuclei. The Astrophysical Journal,899,2. Zhang, Jin* ; Zhang, Hai-Ming ; Gan, Ying-Ying ; Yi, Ting-Feng ; Wang, Jun-Feng ; Liang, En-Wei
47. Evidence for Gravitational-wave-dominated Emission in the Central Engine of Short GRB 200219A. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 898, L6, Lü, Hou-Jun* ; Yuan,Yong ; Lan,Lin ; Zhang,Bin-Bin ; Zou,Jin-Hang ; Peng,Zong-Kai ; Shen,Jun ; Liang,Yun-Feng ; Wang, Xiang-Gao ; Liang, En-Wei
48. Diversity of γ-ray and radio variability of bright blazars and implications for γ-ray emission location. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 72,44. Zhang,Hai-Ming ; Wang,Zhen-Jie ; Zhang,Jin *; Yi,Ting-Feng ; Chen,Liang ; Lu,Rui-Jing ; Liang, En-Wei
49. Gamma-Ray Burst Spectrum with a Time-dependent Injection Rate of High-energy Electrons. The Astrophysical Journal Letters,893,L14, Liu, Kuan ; Lin, Da-Bin* ; Wang,Kai ; Zhou,Li ; Wang,Xiang-Gao ; Liang, En-Wei
50. Early Optical Observations of GRB 150910A: Bright Jet Optical Afterglow and X-Ray Dipole Radiation from a Magnetar Central Engine. The Astrophysical Journal,896,4. Xie, Lang ; Wang, Xiang-Gao* ; Zheng, WeiKang ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Qin, Song-Mei ; Li, Long ; Zheng, Tian-Ci ; Zou, Le ; Lin, Da-Bin ; Zhu, Yinan ; Yuk, Heechan ; Lu, Rui-Jing ; Liang, En-Wei
51. The properties of prompt emission in short gamma-ray bursts with extended emission observed by Fermi/GBM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,492,3622-3630, Lan, Lin ; Lu, Rui-Jingi ; Lü, Hou-Jun *; Shen, Jun ; Rice, Jared ; Li, Long ; Liang, En-Wei
52. Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State via Gravitational-wave Radiation of Short Gamma-Ray Burst Remnants. The Astrophysical Journal,890,99. Lan, Lin ; Lü, Hou-Jun *; Rice, Jared ; Liang, En-Wei
53. The Energy Sources of Double-peaked Superluminous Supernova PS1-12cil and Luminous Supernova SN 2012aa. The Astrophysical Journal,891,98, Li, Long ; Wang, Shan-Qin *; Liu, Liang-Duan ; Wang, Xiang-Gao ; Liang, En-Wei ; Dai, Zi-Gao
54. Photometric and Spectroscopic Studies of Superout bursts of Three Dwarf Novae Independently Identified by the SVOM/GWAC System in 2018. The Astronomical Journal,159,35, H. ; Huang, L. ; Jia, L. ; Li, G. W. ; Li, Y. B. ; Liang, E. W. ; Lu, X. M. ; Mao, J. ; Qiu, P. ; Qiu, Y. L. ; Ren, J. J. Turpin, D. ; Wang, H. J. ; Wang, X. G. ; Wang, X. Y. ; Wu, C. ; Xu, Y. ; Yan, J. Z. ; Zhang, J. B. ; Zheng, W. ; Wei, J. Y.
55. The mini-GWAC optical follow-up of gravitational wave alerts - results from the O2 campaign and prospects for the upcoming O3 run. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,20,13. Turpin, Damien ; Wu,Chao et al……EnWei Liang……(34个合作者)
56. Do Afterglow Synchrotron Radiations Follow the Lp,iso-Ep,z-Γ0 Relation of Gamma-Ray Bursts? The Cases of GRBs 190114C, 130427A, and 180720B. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 903,,L26. XiaoLi Huang, EnWei Liang*, RuoYu Liu, JiGui Cheng, XiangYu Wang*
57. Magnetar as Central Engine of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Quasi-universal Jet, Event Rate, and X-Ray Luminosity Function of Dipole Radiations. The Astrophysical Journal, 894,52. WenJin Xie, Le Zou, HongBang Liu, ShanQin Wang, EnWei Liang*
58. Is GRB 110715A the Progenitor of FRB 171209? The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 894,L22, Xiang-Gao Wang, Long Li, Yuan-Pei Yang, Jia-Wei Luo, Bing Zhang, Da-Bin Lin, En-Wei Liang, and Song-Mei Qin
59. Leptonic or Hadronic Emission: The X-Ray Radiation Mechanism of Large-scale Jet Knots in 3C 273. The Astrophysical Journal, 893:41. Zhen-Jie Wang, Jin Zhang, Xiao-Na Sun, and En-Wei Liang
60. Magnetar Central Engine and Possible Gravitational Wave Emission of Nearby Short GRB 160821B; The Astrophysical Journal; 835:181 (9pp); Hou-Jun Lü, Hai-Ming Zhang, Shu-Qing Zhong, Shu-Jin Hou, Hui Sun, Jared Rice, and En-Wei Liang.
61. Constraining the Braking Index and Energy Partition of Magnetar Spindown with Swift/XRT Data;The Astrophysical Journal; Volume 871, Issue 1, article id. 54, 7 pp. (2019); Lü, Hou-Jun*; Lan, Lin; Liang, En-Wei.
62. Modeling the Light Curves of the Luminous Type Ic Supernova 2007D; The Astrophysical Journal; Volume 877, Issue 1, article id. 20, 7 pp. (2019); ShanQin Wang*; Cano Zach; Long Li; LiangDuan Liu; LingJun Wang; WeiKang Zheng; ZiGao Dai; Liang. En-Wei;Filippenko Alexei
63. Steep Decay Phase Shaped by the Curvature Effect. II. Spectral Evolution; The Astrophysical Journal; 840:118 (11pp); Da-Bin Lin, Hui-Jun Mu, Yun-Feng Liang, Tong Liu, Wei-Min Gu, Rui-Jing Lu, Xiang-Gao Wang, and En-Wei Liang.
64. Diagnosing the remnants of binary neutron star merger from GW170817/GRB170817A event; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 486, Issue 4, p.4479-4484; Oxford University Press; Lü, Hou-Jun*; Shen, Jun; Lan, Lin; Rice, Jared; Lei, Wei-Hua; Liang, En-Wei.
65. Magnetar as Central Engine of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Central Engine–Jet Connection, Wind–Jet Energy Partition, and Origin of Some Ultra-long Bursts; The Astrophysical Journal; 877:153 (15pp); Le Zou, Zi-Min Zhou, Lang Xie, Lu-Lu Zhang, Hou-Jun Lü, Shu-Qing Zhong , Zhen-Jie Wang, En-Wei Liang*.
66. Jet structure in the afterglow phase for gamma-ray bursts with a processing jet; MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY; 487: 3214–3220; Oxford University Press; Bao-Quan Huang, Da-Bin Lin* , Tong Liu, Jia Ren, Xiang-Gao Wang, Hong-Bang Liu, En-Wei Liang.
67. Characteristics of Two-episode Emission Patterns in Fermi Long Gamma-Ray Bursts; The Astrophysical Journal; 862:155 (12pp); Lin Lan, Hou-Jun Lü* , Shu-Qing Zhong, Hai-Ming Zhang, Jared Rice, Ji-Gui Cheng, Shen-Shi Du, Long Li, Jie Lin, Rui-Jing Lu, En-Wei Liang.
68. Fermi/LAT observations of lobe-dominant radio galaxy 3C 207 and possible radiation region of γ-rays;Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics;(2018) Vol. 18 No. 6, 70(6pp); CAS and IOP Publishing Ltd.; Sheng-Chu Guo, Hai-Ming Zhang, Jin Zhang, En-Wei Liang *.
69. External Shock in a Multi-bursting Gamma-Ray Burst: Energy Injection Phase Induced by the Later Launched Ejecta; The Astrophysical Journal; (2018)852:136 (7pp); Da-Bin Lin*, Bao-Quan Huang, Tong Liu, Wei-Min Gu , Hui-Jun Mu, and En-Wei Liang.
70. First Electromagnetic Pulse Associated with a Gravitational-wave Event: Profile, Duration, and Delay; The Astrophysical Journal; (2018)856:90 (7pp); Da-Bin Lin* , Tong Liu, Jie Lin, Xiang-Gao Wang , Wei-Min Gu, and En-Wei Liang.
71. GRB 120729A: External Shock Origin for Both the Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission and Afterglow; Astrophysical Journal; (2018)859:163 (8pp); Li-Ye Huang, Xiang-Gao Wang, WeiKang Zheng, En-Wei Liang, Da-bin Lin, Shu-Qing Zhong ,Hai-Ming Zhang, Xiao-Li Huang, Alexei V. Filippenko, and Bing Zhang
72. Gamma-Ray Burst Jet Breaks Revisited; Astrophysical Journal; (2018)859:160(22pp); Xiang-Gao Wang, Bing Zhang, En-Wei Liang, Rui-Jing Lu, Da-Bin Lin, Jing Li1, and Long Li
73. Adsorption of Organic Molecules on Onion-like Carbons: Insights on the Formation of Interstellar Hydrocarbons; Astrophysical Journal(2018)867:133 (8pp); Haonan Qi, Sylvain Picaud, Michel Deve, Enwei Liang, and Zhao Wang.
74. Flux and spectral variation characteristics of 3C 454.3 at the GeV band; Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 2018 Vol. 18 No. 4, 40(20pp); Hai-Ming Zhang, Jin Zhang, Rui-Jing Lu, Ting-Feng Yi, Xiao-Li Huang and En-Wei Liang.*
75. Gamma-Ray Burst/Supernova Associations: Energy Partition and the Case of a Magnetar Central Engine; Astrophysical Journal; (2018)862:130 (13pp); Hou-Jun Lü , Lin Lan, Bing Zhang, En-Wei Liang , David Alexander Kann, Shen-Shi Du, and Jun Shen.
76. Electromagnetic emission from newly born magnetar spin-down by gravitational-wave and magnetic dipole radiations; MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY; 480, 4402–4407 (2018); Oxford University Press;Hou-Jun Lu*, Le Zou, Lin Lan and En-Wei Liang*
77. A Comprehensive Analysis of Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Data. IV. Spectral Lag and its Relation to Ep Evolution; Astrophysical Journal; (2018)862:130 (13pp); Rui-Jing Lu, Yun-Feng Liang, Da-Bin Lin1, Jing Lü, Xiang-Gao Wang, Hou-Jun Lü,Hong-Bang Liu, En-Wei Liang , and Bing Zhang.
78. Study of MicroMegas-based detector with ICCD imaging; Journal of Instrumentation; JINST 13 P06011; IOP Publishing; H.B. Feng, H.B. Liu*, Q. Liu, Z.G. Wang, X.W. Liu, W.J. Xie, B. Huang, X.F. Huang,Y.H. Zhengb and E.W. Liang.
79. Fast radio bursts from primordial black hole binaries coalescence; PHYSICAL REVIEW D; 98, 123016 (2018); American Physical Society; Can-Min Deng* Yifu Cai, Xue-Feng Wu,and En-Wei Liang.
80. Multicolor Blackbody Emission in GRB 081221; (2018)856:90 (7pp);The Astrophysical Journal; 866:13 (8pp); Shu-Jin Hou1, Bin-Bin Zhang, Yan-Zhi Meng, Xue-Feng Wu, En-Wei Liang, Hou-Jun Lü, Tong Liu, Yun-Feng Liang , Lin Lin, Rui-jing Lu, Jin-Shu Huang, and Bing Zhang.
81. Jet Radiation Properties of 4C +49.22: from the Core to Large-scale Knots; The Astrophysical Journal; 865:100 (11pp); Jin Zhang, Hai-Ming Zhang, Su Yao, Sheng-Chu Guo, Rui-Jing Lu, and En-Wei Liang.
82. A lower occurrence rate of bright X-ray flares in SN-GRBs than z < 1 GRBs: evidence of energy partitions?; MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY; 478, 3605–3613 (2018); Oxford University Press; Hui-Jun Mu, Wei-Min Gu*, Jirong Mao, Tong Liu, Shu-Jin Hou, Da-Bin Lin, Junfeng Wang, Taotao Fang and En-Wei Liang.
83. Constraining the Type of Central Engine of GRBs with Swift Data; The Astrophysical Journal; 236:26 (31pp); Liang Li, Xue-Feng Wu, Wei-Hua Lei, Zi-Gao Dai, En-Wei Liang, and Felix Ryde
84. The Origin of the Prompt Emission for Short GRB 170817A: Photosphere Emission or Synchrotron Emission?; The Astrophysical Journal; 860:72 (11pp); Yan-Zhi Meng, Jin-Jun Geng, Bin-Bin Zhang, Jun-Jie Wei1, Di Xiao, Liang-Duan Liu, He Gao, Xue-Feng Wu, En-Wei Liang, Yong-Feng Huang, Zi-Gao Dai, and Bing Zhang.
85. Examining the High-energy Radiation Mechanisms of Knots and Hotspots in Active Galactic Nucleus Jets; The Astrophysical Journal; 858:27 (17pp); Jin Zhang, Shen-shi Du, Sheng-Chu Guo, Hai-Ming Zhang, Liang Chen, En-Wei Liang, and Shuang-Nan Zhang.
86. A peculiar low-luminosity short gamma-ray burst from a double neutron star merger progenitor; Nature Communications; (2018) 9:447; Nature; B.-B. Zhang, B. Zhang, H. Sun, W.-H. Lei , H. Gao, Y. Li, L. Shao, Y. Zhao, Y.-D. Hu, H.-J. Lü, X.-F. Wu, X.-L. Fan, G. Wang, A.J. Castro-Tirado, S. Zhang, B.-Y. Yu, Y.-Y. Cao & E.-W. Liang
87. Steep Decay Phase Shaped by the Curvature Effect. I. Flux Evolution; The Astrophysical Journal; 840:95 (14pp); Da-Bin Lin, Hui-Jun Mu, Rui-Jing Lu, Tong Liu, Wei-Min Gu, Yun-Feng Liang, Xiang-Gao Wang, and En-Wei Liang.